House Extension: the perfect space for a kitchen remodel

In cit­ies such as Lon­don where liv­ing space is restric­ted many people are choos­ing to remodel their houses to cre­ate addi­tional space as well as (hope­fully!) adding value to their homes.

  • House exten­sions make space for kit­chen entertaining

  • Kit­chen exten­sions allow sky­lights for a bright and airy space

  • Kit­chen design fea­tures can solve home exten­sion structural challenges

  • Cre­ate space for incor­por­at­ing a kit­chen island

  • House exten­sions allow fresh and mod­ern updates for your kit­chen space

Build rather than Buy!

So if you are out­grow­ing your home and/or want more space but can­not sell up (or don’t want to) then house exten­sions are def­in­itely worth con­sid­er­ing and make the per­fect site for any new kit­chen. The options for this are def­in­itely worth explor­ing but please be advised that some devel­op­ments require plan­ning per­mis­sion so it is essen­tial to con­tact your local coun­cil well in advance of under­tak­ing any works.


Why Choose a Boiling Water Tap for your Kitchen and are they worthwhile?